Well, today was it. Back to work, and back to the events. My strategy right now is, as you may have read, to keep the main thing the main thing (Deadlift, Stones, Press). So that's what I did today. I started out with a clean and press / push press with a barbell and some bumpers. With the heavy floor presses on Thursday I kept the volume low on the pressing and really wanted to get back into moving a barbell quickly so I lightened up on the cleans. Squat cleaning a barbell is just about the most difficult and un-natural movement in the world for me to perform. I tried a few at 135lbs and just wasn't feeling it. So I went back to what I do best... doing a barbarian high pull/upright row and hoping it lands on my shoulders just right so I can press it. It worked.
I performed the frame deadlift with zero back pain, and even got the 620lb. deadlift that I missed 12 days ago relatively easily. Good form no back rounding, stayed tight, I'll take it. Tim wanted to give yoke walking a try, so whilst I deadlifted he walked up and down the driveway with my old trusty yoke, worked up to ~600lbs with relative ease (not bad for a first timer, but then again he is a big mac daddy powerlifter).
Last was the stones... a little on the light 215lb with no tacky, then 240 with tacky... now we also have this stone that my training partner and I tried to pour with some styrofoam in the middle. Well, the string anchoring the styrofoam down came loose, the foam floated to the top and we ended up Jerry rigging a stick in there to hold
This afternoon me and the wife got out and tried to declare war on the Wysteria that has taken over our yard... I'm counting that as my cardio.
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