Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sick Day

I left work today a few hours early. My throat hurts and I've got a low-grade fever.

Sick days aren't as much fun when you're an adult as when you were a kid. Thundercats and He-Man doesn't come on TV anymore, and even Sesame Street lost what little innocence and appeal it had. My wife is gone out doing adoption errands, so I don't even have someone to fix me Spaghettios or chicken noodle soup or PB&Js...

So here I sit, wishing I had the clarity of thought to type something profound, but I don't. I'm sitting in a quiet house watching my dog nap on the couch she's not supposed to lay on, and wondering if the sting in my throat will let up enough to allow me some sleep tonight... So much for pressing in the morning.

I guess I should put on The Princess Bride and try to enjoy it, but I think I may just lay back down.

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