Saturday, April 30, 2011
Diet: Day 29
Friday, April 22, 2011
Diet: Day 22
I'm also learning ways to improve the process. For the first two meals I eat basically the same thing everyday. Diets are not about food tasting good, they are about food being easy enough to prepare that you stick with the plan. I mean, if you have a choice between spending an hour preparing an elaborate, gourmet low-carb meal or stopping off for chinese take out on your way home from work, sesame chicken will win every time. So, the meals -
- Breakfast = 4-6 eggs scrambled/fried + turkey bacon or sausage, lots of coffee
- Lunch = 1 can green beans, 2 small chicken breast (w/ hot sauce)
- Afternoon snack = turkey or ham sandwich on low cal bread
- Supper = meat, salad, veggies
- Post workout (on training days) = whey protein w/ raw eggs (~80grams of protein)
I repeat this almost every weekday. Yes it is monotenous, yes I have to choke it down half the time, but it is convenient and fits the plan. Also, it ain't forever.
I do one cheat meal, usually on Friday night, just to keep my sanity. I'll give my current plan one more week and if no weight loss results I'll go back to the drawing board and tweak some things.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Diet: Day 15
Frankly, I am shocked by this number. I fully anticipated not losing any weight this week. Typically, week two is where you give up from not seeing any results. Anybody can drop 8-9 lbs. in week 1, it takes nerve to not lose a pound in week 2 and keep going. If you ever hear anyone say, "I've tried all the diets and none of them work" That means that they dieted until day 10, while weighing themselves everyday, stopped seeing immediate progress and then gave up and hurried to the office birthday party before all the cake was gone.
I don't weigh everyday, I might check the scale midweek just to make sure I'm not being stupid. For instance, I weighed in Wednesday morning at a 295lbs., rather than panic and assume I am doomed to live a life of obesity, I just kept on keeping on, had some fiber and a few blog worthy bowel movements, and this morning when it counted... everything was alright on the scale.
My total weight loss to date is 12.4 lbs. My cargo shorts from last summer that were obscenely tight are just a little bit less obscenely tight, and I'll have to soon take in my weightlifting belt a notch. My gym lifts haven't suffered much, but I can tell that I'm staying sore longer after a heavy session, but any calorie deficit will hurt your body's ability to recover. I'm trying to counteract this as much as possible with a high protein intake.
The thing that stands out the most about this diet, and my wife agrees, is not getting any good sleep. My sleeping has been terrible, and my energy late in the day is also terrible. Anyone who says "I feel great" on a diet is kidding themselves or not doing it right. I feel inflamed, agitated, and tired by the end of the day, then, unable to sleep well. Honestly, the days I felt on top of the world were the days I trained hard and heavy and then pounded a 32oz. whole milk and ice cream protein shake and 3 Whopper Jr.'s and slept like a grizzly bear, but this ain't forever.
I am taking a few nutritional supplements. Just FYI. The list is short, simple, and there are no magic beans on the list.
- Fish oil, because Dan John said so
- Flaxseed Oil, another Omega 3
- Vitamin C
- Multi-Vitamin
- Naproxen / anti-inflammatory as needed
- Whey protein powder if you can count that
No real rants or anything else to speak of. I hate dieting, that's why you do it 6-8weeks out of the year and then go enjoy your life. If I get to 286lb. next week I'm going to the Chinese Buffet.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
A Box to Squat On
Friday, April 8, 2011
Diet: Day 8

Friday, April 1, 2011
Diet: Day 1

- Meat (delicious, yummy, bone candy - as much as I want)
- Eggs
- Cheese (blagh!, I hate most cheese, but we'll see)
- Fat (omega 3's, and butter especially - butter is good for you, not sure if you knew that)
- Whey protein (the kind I use is very low in carbs, so mixed with water this could be a lifesaver)
- Veggies (yellow/orange veggies in moderation)
- Sugar Free snacks (in moderation, this likely will be an afternoon Diet Coke)
Things that are NOT on the list
- Magic Pills
- Magic Elixirs
- Anything from GNC
- Anything sold on an infomercial
- Magic Pills that really do WORK! We Promise! Or your Money Back!
- Sugar
- Things containing sugar
- Things that are white in color or look like a french fry
- Things that are handed to you through your car window
- Magic pills that you got from your co-worker's husband's boss' best friend that contain ground up tomato root and a chinese man's toenails and made his cousin's sister lose 90lbs. in 3 weeks, but then when you see her she looks exactly the same and is eating birthday cake.